Greenchemicals sarà presente in qualità di sponsor all’evento SMART PLASTICS organizzato dalle riviste Plast e Plast Design.

L’evento è interamente dedicato ai materiali polimerici ad alte prestazioni e si terrà al Museo Storico Alfa Romeo (Arese) il 15 e il 16 maggio.

Nell’area espositiva si svolgerà un programma di relazioni sullo stato dell’arte dei tecnopolimeri e dei compositi, delle loro applicazioni e delle tecnologie di progettazione e lavorazione.

L’abstract della Dottoressa Micaela Lorenzi circa l’intervento che terrà: “Flame retardancy is one of the most important caractheristic plastic must have, when it has to be thought for replacing metals. Most of flame retardants package, are base on bromide/antimony trioxide combination, which it is more and more under concern form aromatic bromine and antimony healthy and enviromental problems, they are suspected giving. We would like giving a small guide for offering halogen formulations for Engeneering thermoplastic polymers. We will divide phoshorous base fame retardant molecules in 4 groups: Red P (P0), Phosphinates (P1), Phosphonates (P3), Phosphonates (P5) and we will describe which flame retardant mechanism, they are actionating.
We will listen other halogen free flame retardants, not P base, and their fire mechanism: melamine cyanurate, melamine polyphosphate, pyrophosphate, zinc borate, metal hydroxide. We will then see how engeneering thermolastic polymers burn and we will offer several halogen free packages for PA , PET, PBT, PC, PC/ABS, ABS, with plus and minus comparing with halogenated solutions.”

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